Term | Definition |
Ai hanmi (eye-hon-me) | Uke & Nage have the same foot forward. |
Aikido (eye-key-doe) | The way of harmonizing with the energy of the universe. |
Aikidoka (eye-key-doe-kah) | Aikido practitioner. |
Atemi (ah-tem-ee) | Defensive strike to a vital body part . |
Bokken (bow-Ken) | Wooden sword used in Aikido practice. |
Budo (boo-Doe) | Warrior way. Applying Martial Art principles to everyday life. |
Budoka (boo-Doe-kah) | Warrior |
Chudan (chew-don) | Middle position (abdominal area). |
Dan (don) | Black belt grade. |
Deshi (deh-shee) | Student, disciple. |
Dogi (doe-gee) | Training uniform. |
Dojo (doe-joe) | Training hall. |
Domo Arigato Gozaimushita (doe-mo-ah-ree-gah-toe go-zaee-mah–she-tah) | Thank you very much (student to teacher) |
Doshu (doe-shoe) | The founder’s grandson and successor – Moriteru Ueshiba. |
Eeyaa (ee-ay) | No. |
Fukoshidoin (foo-koo-she-doe-in) | First instructor rank. |
Gedan (gey-don) | Low position, knee area. |
Gi (ghee) | Training uniform. |
Gokkyu (goe-kio) | Fifth pinning technique. |
Gyaku hanmi (ghee-ah-koo hon-me) | Uke & Nage have opposite foot forward. |
Hai (hi) | Yes. |
Hajime (hah-jee-meh) | Begin, start. |
Hakama (hah-kah-mah) | A divided pant-like skirt, usually worn by Yudansha only. |
Hanmi (hon-me) | Left or right triangular stance. |
Hanmi Handachi (hon-me hon-dah-chee) | Nage is kneeling, uke is standing. |
Hara (har-ah) | Physically: center of gravity, located below the navel. |
Henka waza (hen-kah wah-zah) | Swiching from one techniqe to another. |
Hidari (he-dah-ree) | Left. |
Hiji (he-jee) | Elbow. |
Hombu Dojo (hom-boo doe-joe) | Aikikai Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. |
Iaido (ee-eye-doe) | The art of drawing a sword. |
Ikkyo (ee-kio) | First Technique. |
Irimi (ee-ree-me) | To enter (without collision). |
Iriminage (ee-ree-me-nah-geh) | Entering technique. |
Jo (joe) | Wooden staff used in Aikido training. |
Jo tori (joe torre) | Disarming Jo attack. |
Jodan (joe-don) | High position, face area. |
Juji nage (jyoo-gee-nah-geh) | Crossed arm throw. |
Jyu waza (gee-you-wah-zah) | Free style practice. |
Kaeshi Waza (kah-ee-she-wah-zah) | Reversal techniques. |
Kaiten (ka-ee-ten) | Pivot, rotation (using the hips). |
Kaitenage (kah-ee-ten-nah-geha) | Rotary throw. |
Kami (kah-me) | Spirit. |
Kamiza (kah-me zah) | Dwelling place of the spirit. |
Kata (kah-tah) | Shoulder. |
Katatetori (kah-tah-teh-toe-ree) | Wrist grab. |
Katatori (kah-tah-toe-ree) | Shoulder grab. |
Keiko (kay-ko) | Practice session, training. |
Ken (ken) | Sword. |
Ki (key) | Vital force, universal energy, the essence, spirit, nothing can exist without it. |
Ki musubi no tachi (key-moosoobee-noetahchee) | Ki blending exercise. |
Kiai (key-eye) | A loud and sharp scream, a result of (or in attempt to) unification of mind and body. |
Kihon Waza (key-hon wah-zah) | Basic form (techniques done in static). |
Kino nagare (key-noe nah-gah-reh) | Fluid form (techniques done in motion). |
Kohai (koh-hi) | Junior. |
Kokyu (coke-you) | Breath power, unifying ki flow and breath, coordination of breathing and movement. |
Kokyunage, kokyuho, Kokyudosa. | Breath throw, breath exercise. Kokyunage is often used for techniques with no specific name. |
Koshi (koe-she) | Hips, waist. |
Koshinage (ko-she-nog-ee) | Hip throw. |
Kotegaeshi (koe-teh-gah-eh-she) | Wrist – turn throw. |
Kumi jo (koo-me-joe) | Partner practice with jo. |
Kumi tachi (koo-me-tah-chee) | Partner practice with bokken. |
Kuzushi (koo-zoo-shee) | Breaking another’s balance |
Kyu (cue) | Ranks below black belt, undergraduate. |
Maai (mah-eye) | Distance. Usually referring to the distance between uke & nage. |
Migi (mee-gee) | Right. |
Misogi (miss-o-gee) | Purification, breathing exercises to unify mind and body. |
Morotetori (moe-roe-teh-toe-ree) | Uke holds nage’s arm with both hands. |
Mukuso (mook-soh) | Meditation. |
Munetori (moo-neh-toe-ree) | Lapel grab. |
Nage (nah-geh) | The person who is being attacked and performs the technique. |
Nikyu (nee-kio) | Second technique. |
O’Sensei (oh-sen-say) | Great teacher, founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, 1883-1969. |
Obi (oh-bee) | Belt |
Omote (oh-moe-teh) | Moving in front. |
Onegai shimasu (oh-nehgaee-she-mahss) | Please, thank you in advance, before practice. |
Randori (ran-door-ree) | Multiple person attack. |
Ryokatatori (ree-oh-kah-tah-toe-ree) | Grabbing two shoulders – front. |
Ryotetori (ree-oh-teh-toe-ree) | Uke grabs nage’s both wrists. |
Sankyu (son-kio) | Third technique. |
Seiza (seh-ee-zah) | Formal kneeling position with straight back |
Sempai (sem-pie) | Senior student. |
Sensei (sen-say) | Teacher, instructor. |
Shidoin (shee-doe-in) | Senior instructor. |
Shihan (shee-hahn) | Master instructor. |
Shihonage (shee-hoe-nah-geh) | Four direction throw. |
Shodan (shoe-don) | First black belt grade. |
Shomen-uchi (show-men-oo-chee) | Strike to the top-front of the head. |
Soto (soh-toh) | Outside. |
Soto mawari ( – mah-wah-re) | Outside variation. |
Suburi (soo-boo-ree) | A particular exercise with Bokken or Jo. |
Sumi-otoshi (soo-me oh-toh-she) | Corner-drop throw. |
Swari-waza, or Shiko (swah-ree wah-zah-shee-koe) | Kneeling techniques, knee walk. |
Tachi tori (tah-chee-toe-ree) | Bokken disarming. |
Tachi waza (tah-chee wah-zah) | Standing techniques. |
Tai sabaki (tie-sah-bah-kee) | Body movement. |
Taino henko (tah-ee-no-hen-koe) | Basic blending exercise, tenkan. |
Tanto (tahn-toe) | Wooden knife. |
Tanto tori (tahn-toe toe-ree) | Knife disarming. |
Te (tay) | Hand. |
Tegatana (teh-gah-tah-nah) | Hand blade, edge of the hand. |
Tekubi (teh-koo-bee) | Wrist. |
Tenkan (ten-kahn) | Turning movement. |
Tenshinage (ten-she-nah-geh) | Heaven & earth throw. |
Tsuki (t’ski) | Thrust, punch. |
Uke (oo-keh) | Persons attacking & relieving the technique. |
Ukemi (oo-keh-me) | The art of attacking, receiving and following a technique in a safe and intelligent manner. |
Ura (oo-rah) | Moving behind. |
Ushiro (oo-she-roe) | Back. |
Ushiro Eritori (- eh-ree-toe-ree) | Collar grab from behind. |
Ushiro kubishime (koo-bee-she-meh) | Choke from behind, with holding one wrist |
Ushiro ryokatatori (ree-oh-kah-tah-toeree) | Both shoulders grabbed from behind. |
Ushiro tekubitori (teh-koo-bee-toe-ree) | Both wrists grabbed from behind. |
Ushiro waza (wah-zah) | Rear techniqes. |
Waza (wah-zah) | Technique. |
Yame (yah-meh) | Stop. |
Yokomenuchi (yoh-koh-men-oochee) | Strike to the side of the head. |
Yonkyo (yon-kio) | Fourth technique. |
Yudansha (you-don-shah) | Black belt holder. |
Yukyusha (you-kio-shah) | White (or colored) belt holder. |
Zanshin (zahn-sheen) | The remaining quality of things. |
Zazen (zah-zehn) | Sitting meditation. |