Eran Junryu Vardi Sensei – 6th Dan, Shihan. Senior instructor at the United States Aikido Federation (USAF) and InternationalAikido Federation (IAF).
Vardi Sensei is a member of the teaching staff at the renowned headquarters of the USAF, New York Aikikai, where he also trains regularly under the direction of Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, a direct student of O’Sensei, founder of Aikido. Throughout his Aikido career, Vardi Sensei trained under Chiba Shihan, Kanai Shihan, and Sugano Shihan, all direct students of the founder. Sensei’s teaching style is deeply influenced by the late Donovan Waite Shihan, who has been a great mentor for him.
Eran Junryu Vardi is a Roshi (Zen master), and an ordained Zen priest, in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. He is a member at the White Plum Asangha.
Vardi Sensei travels to lead Aikido seminars, and Zen retreats in the US and abroad.
In addition to heading the dojo and Zen center, Eran enhances his primary Aikido career with an active Neuromuscular Massage Therapy practice. The synthesis of these arts has provided him with a unique and insightful understanding of movement and human anatomy.
Rich Neville – 4th Dan

John Huang – 4th Dan
Chad Chalileh – 4th Dan
Ryan Wild – 3rd Dan
Sau Yan Yee – 2nd Dan
Rob Sinka – 2nd Dan